Organic Energy System
True Green Recycling
About our SYSTEM
System for processing organic waste into

gas / electricity and clean water.

A stream of organic waste and plastic enters the reactor.

In the reactor, water passes into the state of a supercritical fluid (SCF) and dissolves organic substances on hydrogen and carbon compounds

As a result, in 15 seconds, you get clean water and gas (which immediately turns into electricity).

more about SCF
One complex (800 sq. m.) can fully utilize the organic waste (sewerage) and plastic of a small town with a population of 300 thousand people. It's around 6000 m3 waste per month.
Turning this waste into 4,4 million kW of electricity (20 thousand households) and 4.5 tons of clean water
for the needs of the city every month.
Problems solved and area of use
where our system makes the most economic sense
Recycling of fecal sludge, excess sludge
Wastewater treatment plants of cities
Recycling of toxic filtrate

City landfills
Recycling of manure, bird droppings
Livestock and poultry farms
Recycling of waste from fish, meat and dairy production
Food enterprises
Recycling of yeast waste, protein sludge and vinasse
Alcohol producers
Compare with closest competitor


Organic Energy
Biogas reactor
Plastic acceptance
Time of one processing cycle (before getting first result)
15 seconds
3 months
Amount of produced gas
(6000 tons of waste /1month)
1 million m3
0,3 million m3
Amount of electricity received
(6000 m3 of waste /1month)
4,4 million kW
1,5 million kW
Amount of water received
(6000 m3 of waste /1month)
4 500 liters
Continuous feed into the reactor
Required building area(
800 m2
12 000 m2
Related wastes
H2S (1%), CO2(37%)

There are no harmful wastes.

The inorganic compounds remain in the form of a dry mix

(can be used in construction)

1 Complex "Organic Energy"
accepts 72,000 tons of waste in 1 year
  • Acceptance of waste ( $17 / ton)
  • $1 224 000
  • Sale of electricity ($0,315 / kWh)
  • $ 16 632 000
  • Water H2O / 54 000 tons
PROFIT: $ 17 856 000 / year
  • Acceptance of waste ( $17 / ton)
  • $1 224 000
  • Sale of electricity ($0,302 / kWh)
  • $15 945 600
  • Water H2O / 54 000 tons
PROFIT: $ 17 169 600 / year
  • Acceptance of waste ( $17 / ton)
  • $1 224 000
  • Sale of electricity ($0,177 / kWh)
  • $9 345 600
  • Water H2O / 54 000 tons
PROFIT: $ 10 569 600 / year
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